How does the mind communicate with the brain?
Motor neurons carry messages away from the brain to the rest of the body relaying information to each other through a complex electrochemical process, making connections that affect the way you think, learn, move, and behave.
It's a selfless act to be selfish about mental illness. Our special community is just that, 'special' and it requires the respect, compassion and attention necessary to discover a more meaningful way of life. Inspiring others to seek therapy while encouraging yourself to become more involved. Regardless of how much help that can be achievable, if you're a parent a relative or even a friend, too much is never enough even if you're present. Sometimes the silence, can be extremely effective when they know that you're nearby to help should they need it. Be proactive and connected but more importantly, be in the know, document and praise positive movement and acknowledge the conquering of milestones out loud.
Mental illness is an extended developmental process, the right nutrients and managed persistence can be incredibly rewarding. This is the Warrior Mindset™.
Passion For Compassion™ —
All across the America, people are proactive and hopeful of bringing about everlasting changes. Helping those with disabling conditions to live more meaningful lifestyles make it possible for the rest of the world possible for the rest of the world to enjoy the same luxury like closed caption television initially created for the hearing impaired also provided a voice for patrons attending sports pubs to enjoy television without being distracted by the loud music. Office workers can also follow their favorite stocks while working out at the gym and parents can enjoy pushing a stroller up a ramp instead of hoisting child and stroller up flights of stairs. We are encouraged to add to this process of helping those with disabling conditions help us all live better and more meaningful lives through support, innovation and education. This is Ziggie and Zach's Passion for Compassion Program.
Unconventionally Capeable: Ambition drives us to take the initiative to better ourselves in spite of our physical and emotional setbacks. It’s in our nature to strive to become true champions of society. This medallion personifies the true value of those who go beyond the scope of our natural abilities. These are truly remarkable people who inspire others to reach for their ‘Capeable' hights to potentially accomplish their goals (capeable is purposely misspelled to emphasis the unusual).
I was led to believe that a true leader leads by example—not to make an example of others but to fervently communicate with conviction and sincerity. Any other form of leadership is not acceptable particularly in today's society and my young daughter just wouldn't have it any other way. She was just three years old and ahead of her time so I made every effort to be clear and encourage her to understand that dreams can only be realized and fulfilled when they are met with ambition, focus and determination. A person can accomplish just about anything when they become passionate and set their mind to reach their goals and her response was...
"that's great daddy, is there anything that you really wanted to do but haven't."
Coming from her, It was a tougher question than I expected but it didn't surprise me so I answered back.
"My greatest weakness, and my greatest challenge was to put words together that encouraged people to want to read what I wrote, and I always wanted to write a book" and she replied...
"why not just do it then... you can do it if you put your mind to it, right Dad?"
For a brief moment I thought, "who is educating who here" however, this was the inspiration that created Ziggie and Zach and if it didn't have merit, to her, it didn't have substance, so here we are. My hope is that it inspires you as it has done for me and for my daughter.
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