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"Creativity, innovation and originality is   immeasurable, wielding unreasonable   individual desirability —

 Everything else is measurable in value."

— Paul Amelio
    Managing Director




What is it?


Big ideas are concepts, debates, and/or

theories that are at the core of the fundamental execution to deliver a profound, disruptive message to a targeted audience, which the legendary Adman George Lois described advertising as "Poison Gas."

I would imagine that a message in that context would likely receive immediate attention.


A time that once was—advertising currently needs a revolution through innovation. Titans of the industry recognized the radical transformation that Paul believes began in the mid-late '90's but it may have begun shortly after the introduction of the Mac in the late 80's. To understand this, just refer to the Forbes article who's headline reads "How Agencies Are Putting Themselves Out Of Business And What We Should Do About It"*. Advertising Agencies merged into one another to survive while others were gobbled up by large parent companies to hold on to key clients that were lost to hot shops. Economically tone-death executives lead their own businesses to the ground as the industry evolved into sweat shops that doesn't appreciate or nurture talent (creative and otherwise) but wears down it's youth into changing their occupation, cutting careers short, pushing out the aging veteran advertising executive positions that changed authentic original thinking into a processed food mentality.
​                                                                                      *forbes




Paul Amelio is an established visual communicator, an expert at optimizing brand recognition and building brand equity. He is a seasoned advertising professional, an inventor, a pioneer in sustainability, and a scientist who has published and owns 11 patents with over 127 patent claims. Amelio was the creator of the SuperGrid which was conceived at the end of 2009 and the concept evolved into a prototype that academicians believed it could become the genesis to the architecture to the platform of the Internet of Things (IoT). 

Paul Amelio helps founders build concise, pragmatic pitch decks that are compelling enough to engage potential investors to consider a capital raise to secure the necessary funding for startups. "Your best idea is the one that you finally exercise and develop and eventually bring to market or it simply remains as a closet concept; not meant to be born to begin with."

His vision is in the integration of things, incorporating A.I. that generates great optimism while bringing together existing best-of-breed solutions, innovations that uniquely come together, share information to deliver invaluable libraries of real time data and analytics. Amelio has conceived a growing number of patent claims in addition to the SuperGrid; his aim is to contribute to society in ways that benefit the community through revolutionary ideas developed into technological measures with the intent to reinvigorate the economic and environmental climates with positive, expeditious and progressive vivacity.

​He believes that innovation can be harnessed to encourage potential competitors to join in a network of best-of-breed solutions in a cooperative engagement, like teams that become a part of an environmental community coalition to deliver best practices—similar to rival sports teams competing with each other to co-exist by providing value as a formalized league.


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